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Troubleshooting & Spare Parts

A5 Specific Troubleshooting

General Troubleshooting


Side Connector Wiring Diagram (click to enlarge)

Credit to ??? from Facebook

Still stuck?

If you're still having problems, come and join us in the JGAurora forum, or on facebook, and we can give you some help. Otherwise, you may want to contact JGAurora for help.

Spare Parts

Bowden Coupler

The JGAurora A5 & A3S Bowden coupler fail very easily. It is very hard to find a replacement, as this particular coupler is very uncommon. The fitting is a 4mm pneumatic coupling, with an M8 screw fitting, but with a 1.0mm fine thread. A 1.25mm thread WILL NOT WORK

Need spare parts fast? Some members are happy to sell you some of their spares: USA: message Kevin UK: message Philip

a5/troubleshooting.1522896228.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2020/12/25 02:13 (external edit)