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FAQ: Troubleshooting for JGAurora A5 & A3S

First Step:

  • Check your cables are all FIRMLY pushed in! This is the cause of many many problems! Examine the connector plugs also, check that no wires are loose or coming out of the connectors.
  • Is your printer freezing or stopping? Download the free software Pronterface (also known as Printrun). With this software, you can connect to your 3D printer and print gcode files from the computer. This software will show you the raw log out of the printer while printing, which is where any major errors are reported to. You can then search the error you see in google, or ask on one of the JGAurora support groups. See this page here for more info.

Still Stuck?

If you're still having problems after reading this page, come and join us in the JGAurora forum, or one of the JGAurora communities on facebook, and we can give you some help. Otherwise, you may want to contact JGAurora for help.

Problem: I cannot install JGCreat from the USB.


Problem: My prints will not stick to the bed.


Problem: The printer will not move, or will only move in one direction.


  • You must β€œHome” all the printer axis, before trying to move.
  • You may also want to check you have tuned your stepper drivers.

Problem: Layer Shifting

  • My prints are suffering layer-shifting during printing.


Problem: Heating Problems with Nozzle or Heated Bed

  • My printer is showing strange temperature readings.
  • My Bed or Nozzle is not heating up.


Problem: Noisy Printer

  • My printer is making a juddering noise when I do a move function.
  • Z Axis become stuck occasionally.
  • Z axis doesn't move smoothly, it is jittery


Problem: Noisy Extruder Motor

  • The extruder motor is making a noise at intervals
  • The extruder motor judders
  • The extruder is extruding unevenly


  • Level the bed (nozzle is hitting the bed affecting extrusion)

Problem: Beeping printer or Randomly stopping prints

  • My printer is making a beeping sound at the start of the print, and then it stops.
  • My printer is aborting prints randomly, but is not frozen.
  • I've had my printer for a little while, and have done some good prints, and now I am having this problem.


Problem: Randomly stopping prints and unresponsive LCD

Problem: My printer is crashing the head or bed, it is not stopping at the end.


Problem: The printer moves fine, but will not extrude plastic, or load filament

Solution: The extruder motor is disabled when the nozzle is cold. You must preheat the nozzle to above 190C before extruding or loading filament.

Problem: My prints are squished in the corner of the print bed

Problem: My prints are very weak and very porous, there are lots of little holes in prints.

Solution: Check you have selected 1.75mm filament width in JGCreat/Cura.

Problem: My printer extruder a small amount of material before every print.

Solution: This is deliberate and helps to prime the nozzle before printing. See this page on start and ending GCode for how infomation on how to tweak and control this process.

Problem: My LCD is not turning on after flashing firmware, or I see white squares on the LCD.

Solution: See here.

a5/faq.1526469295.txt.gz Β· Last modified: 2020/12/25 02:13 (external edit)